Sunday, September 5, 2010

Monday Earthquake Crisis Update

Home of Robbie Deans demolished


The situation as it stands in Christchurch at the moment. The state of emergency has been extended until midday Wednesday.

The Central Business District is still cordoned off but the extent of the cordon has been reduced overnight.

People are still being asked to stay away while assessments are done.

More than 500 buildings in the city are badly damaged, 90 significantly which may need to be demolished.

It's estimated just under 4,000 homes are without power - 98 percent of homes have had power restored.

Orion is warning that some homes may be without power for up to five days, so residents should make sensible arrangements to stay warm, but safe.

Around 60 streets are still without water.

To date, almost a third of all jobs recorded relating to water and wastewater have been resolved and teams are working around the clock to restore water supply to the city.

Sewage and wastewater facilities are still stretched.

Teams will be working today with cameras to inspect pipes to identify the highest priority repairs.

Residents are still being advised to boil all water, regardless of its appearance.

Cases of gastroenteritis are already presenting at doctors rooms around the city.

All schools in the Christchurch, Waimakariri and Selwyn districts are closed until at least Wednesday.

Parents are being told to keep an eye on school web sites and school answerphones that will have detailed information.

Meanwhile, a strong southerly flow is expected over the South Island later today which will mean cold winds and cooler temperatures for the Canterbury area. Skies are predicted to remain cloudy until at least Wednesday.

Busses are not running and public transport will remain inoperable until the cordon around the Central Business District is lifted.

Rubbish is being collected throughout the city suburbs.

However, within the CBD businesses are being asked to leave bags on the street outside the cordon - it will be collected but mortar and plaster should not be added to the rubbish mix.

And the mail will get through - only three post shops are closed today; Kaiapoi, Cathedral Square and the CBD.

All rail services in the Christchurch area are expected to be restored by tomorrow.

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