Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Charlottes a Good Girl!

Story courtesy of DHMNZ

Well for all the cheap publicity stunts one can pull, Charlotte Dawson can say she has definitely had her fair share of the limelight. Now at the age off 44 she has had a remarkable surgery to remove her implaints shrinking them back down to a B-Cup and has a new outlook on life.

DHMNZ had a rare opportunity to hear from Charlotte whom is fuming at reports made by some local media sources. Some snout called Chris Schultz who for the life of me couldnt write a shopping list without his wifes hand up his jacksy! I guess the next time Charlotte throws you a bone Champ, they'll be flying day trips to the moon.

Anyways to Charlotte, Loved them when there were F...

Can get me mouth round them now they're B!